Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Interview and Final Blog...........

The interview was really nice. Was informed about a position that would have been great to try. Unfornately, I GOT a job already. However the networking opportunity was great.  It would be nice to interview with various districts for future co-horts.

Overall the program was a great opportunity, I'm glad I decided to take the classes versus testing out. I would have missed a lot of information and vital sharing of administrative experiences.

Happy Holidays to all and Happy New Years.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Personal Capstone Paper and Professional Growth Plan

After writing my capstone paper and developing the professional growth plan I felt as though I have grown so much. I've had many challenges this year. Mentally, physically, and emotionally as my family dealt with death. As a believer I felt as though I was being prepared for something greater.  After those experiences I had a nice lesson,  nothing I do in the work realm will ever be this difficult or to hard to handle.

The learning that I have gained has given me a stronger vision, confidence that I can do my job, and how to organize my vision in my new job.  The professional growth plan with beyond my shortfalls. It focused on how my role would make my department stronger through a team concept. Working together on all things. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Budget Inventory

It's amazing how little money a large high school receives to operate annually. As part of the team here, I can clearly understand why we have to be so creative when it comes to extracurricular activities and fundraising to get the things we need.

I think back to the "little school house". Small in size and minus all the fancy things.  It was the teacher against the whole school. No principal, no aides, no custodians.  When we can get back to the basic, I think we will be able to push forward.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Weekend Reflection on Face-Face

Taking the time to listen was the simplest and most effective activity of the evening. Remembering to take that time to, “LISTEN”. Not just listening but actually being an active listener. Remembering you don’t always have to provide a solution, agree to what they say, or respond. In our group I think we could all agree when it came to parents, sometimes just wanted to be heard.
After I reflected upon the non-negotiable items presented by various human resources staff from different districts I had a few thoughts.  At first I tensed up to hear it said, but then I thought, “You feel this way too”.  What settled me was to hear that there were actually backing their staff to make them successful.  As one person stated providing their staff with the tools and equipment they need to make students successful.  With this I was reassured they were on track with realistic expectations.

October 31, 2011

The Irish Prayer ~
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand…
This quote above was a wonderful beginning to the ending of this book. This was a great book with many good stories told about administrators from their faults to their corrections. Jeff’s story was a nice ending.  Getting the jitters and thinking of backing out because of negative past experiences at his retirement party was something I could totally see happening. However in the end the impact he had on others positively outweighed all the negative experiences.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chapter 6-Reflection

“Trust is precious” immediately this chapter title stood out and made me think of several situations that I’ve witnessed or experienced.   As a human when those thoughts can trigger us to immediately go to the negative and then find balance with the positive.  This chapter discussed how trust can be destroyed in seconds, one encounter, or one wrong response. I feel once a leader loses trust then nothing that is spoken from that person again is perceived as a good thing, even when they may have something great to say.  That’s why it’s important as future leaders use caution on what we say and how we respond to others in tough situations.  I believe we will be remembered during those times those times are what we will be remembered for.  I want to be remembered on how I handled the situation and how I didn’t allow it to impact me in a negative way.

Chapter 5- Reflection

Chapter 5
The points that resonates the most with me included knowing when to pick your battles and knowing when to fight and when to retreat. Mrs. Abernathy case, she jumped the gun in a moment of stress versus giving the situation more time to be reflected upon. Sometimes that happens however the principal felt as though this is battle he didn’t want to deal with the teacher, parent, or student. Mr. Crockett’s discernment was correct.  By giving it a day the situation resolved.  I especially like to think about things 24 hours unless they need to be immediately responded to.  This gives me time to examine the situation in full. 
When reflecting upon fight and retreat, I felt there are times you have to fight.  This could include advocating for the needs of the classroom, school, or a student.  However you have to know how to humbly retreat and give time for situations to be resolved even when it’s not going at the pace you would like it too.