Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Budget Inventory

It's amazing how little money a large high school receives to operate annually. As part of the team here, I can clearly understand why we have to be so creative when it comes to extracurricular activities and fundraising to get the things we need.

I think back to the "little school house". Small in size and minus all the fancy things.  It was the teacher against the whole school. No principal, no aides, no custodians.  When we can get back to the basic, I think we will be able to push forward.

1 comment:

  1. It is definitely difficult to think of how to manage a limited amount of money that must be used for SO MANY things. Getting back to the basics is a good idea, but there are also so many "fancy things" that I've seen help student achievement. It's a hard balance to achieve.
